Monday, February 17, 2014

The Big Kitchen Update


Where we last left off:

What followed:

So!  That's where we currently stand with our kitchen rehab.  Our apron sink from Ikea is flawed (we were disappointed to discover when we took it out of the box yesterday), so we have to exchange it.  We are making really good progress though, especially now that the countertops are in!  This week my homework is to sand, stain and seal the butcher block.  

We also got an island!

It's an old carpenter's workbench that I found in a fancy resale shop.  Normally their furniture is out of my budget, but I wandered in there one day on a whim with my mother, and she came across this piece, and it was SUPER affordable.  I couldn't believe it.  It's always when you're not looking for something that you find it!

We had a few bar stools that we got for $5 each at a rummage sale that fit perfectly along the island, so I set about reupholstering them:

Not bad, eh?

So colorful.

Hello Again

I've been gone from this blog for a while.  A few reasons why:

Our dog, Rocko, passed away on August 28th.  He got very sick, very quickly, and only option for treatment was one we felt very strongly would not amount to good quality of life for him.  It was a very difficult decision, but we have never doubted we did the wrong thing.  He lived a good life with us, and he left us peacefully at home.  We miss him.

Our car was broken into, and my bag stolen with a journal in it that I had been keeping for two years.  So, that sucked.

The holidays happened.

We were very surprised to find ourselves the adopted parents of a new dog, Spencer:

He came into our lives as a foster, and never left.  He is a sweet little buddy, and we are lucky to have him.

We got a little stalled on home projects, primarily the kitchen, but in the last few weeks we have accelerated and progress has been swift.  Full updates to follow!